Monday, December 14, 2009

Indy Week Announces Farmer FoodShare Holiday Fresh Food Drive

The Carrboro Farmer's Market is accepting donations for a holiday food drive. Part of these donations will go to the Inter-Faith council. This initiative is announced in an Indy Week article, "The Season of Feasting and Giving." Margaret Gifford, who runs the program, is quoted in the article, saying, "This program is small in the scheme of things, but it is demonstrating by example that if we are to have a healthy and sustainable local food economy in the Triangle, we must include everyone, even the low-income."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What would it take to become homeless? [Dec. 09 Op-Ed/Chapel Hill News]

For 10 years, discussions between the Inter-Faith Council, the Town of Chapel Hill, and UNC have been under way to relocate the men's shelter and community kitchen. Many factors were considered, and with great generosity a site along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard was donated by the university and a press conference was held on the site. But with the selection of an ideal site a new obstacle emerged: FEAR.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Sign of the Times???

On the front page of the IFC website is a picture (like the one below) showing a very visible increase in community needs. More proof is found in this recent USA Today article --- Record Demand at Food Banks and Reuters article -- Hunger, Family Homelessness on the Rise

Monday, December 7, 2009

A myth about the homeless : Homeless people don't work and get most of their money from public assistance programs.

Meet Diane Eubanks. Diane lives in Orlando and is homeless. To pay for her bed at the Women's Salvation Army, she is a Bell Ringer for the Salvation Army. Below is a clip about her story (courtesy of

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Time to see the homeless as people!!!

Below is a link to a beautiful commentary from today's San Diego Union-Tribune: 


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mark Horvath: Putting a face on the homeless (via CNN)

Please meet Mark Horvath, a former executive who became homeless. Clearly, Mark knows what it is like to become one of the invisible people. The link to his CNN-featured story is to the right of this caption (courtesy of

Welcome to March on Poverty

The Inter-Faith Council (IFC) believes that now is the time to stop poverty in its tracks. Many in our community are struggling to hang on; and many need the inspiration of our community leaders to do something about poverty's influence and prominence. We need everyone who cares about reducing poverty's hold over increasing numbers of Carrboro and Chapel Hill households and unsheltered persons. Our new March On Poverty blog summons you to our call and the original call of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the countless among us who have followed in his footsteps. You ask, "how long will this take?" Dr. King said "Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." Poverty is the primary cause of homelessness and hunger, two community challenges IFC volunteers and staff cross swords with daily. A lack of an adequate response by state, federal and local governments enable and procrastinate these conditions. We seek to create a just community, one that is committed to overcoming social problems by a greater commitment to the common good. We hope our blog will bring you more in touch with these issues. We hope you will come to know the facts about IFC future plans, new program models and new facilities commonly called Community House and FoodFirst. We hope you will join us.

Stay tuned! Stay in touch! March On!

Chris Moran, Executive Director

View the Community House Mission & Vision

View the FoodFirst Mission & Vision