Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What would it take to become homeless? [Dec. 09 Op-Ed/Chapel Hill News]

For 10 years, discussions between the Inter-Faith Council, the Town of Chapel Hill, and UNC have been under way to relocate the men's shelter and community kitchen. Many factors were considered, and with great generosity a site along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard was donated by the university and a press conference was held on the site. But with the selection of an ideal site a new obstacle emerged: FEAR.
Recent public hearings intended for a review of the shelter's concept plan mutated into a forum on the homeless and unwarranted fears of homeless men. Much of the fear expressed was based on poor statistics and weak inductive reasoning. More information needs to be shared and conversation held to alleviate any fears concerning the homeless and the shelter. To quote J.P. Lovecraft, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

I got to thinking, "What would it take for me to become homeless?" First, I'd have to lose my ability to be employed, maybe due to some health issue that prevented me from working. I'd have to be without any savings or retirement. I would not have close friends who could take me in. I also would have to be separated from or absent any family to rely on. In short, I'd have to be seriously disenfranchised and alienated from society, friends and family. I would essentially be alone in the world, with no where else to turn other than the kindness of strangers.

Having been alienated once in my life, I can easily imagine the questions that might run through my mind. How did I get here and how do I return to my life? Who is there to help me? Should I be warehoused away from the rest of society? Where do I eat? Will you feed me at your table? Where to I sleep? Will you give me your bed? Who will I talk to? Will you invite me for coffee and some conversation? Where can I live? Will you be my neighbor?

As in the story of the prodigal son, it is easy for "outsiders" to question how an errant son should be treated when returning from his wasteland. But the lesson intended for us is that we should celebrate the son's return, not shun or keep him at arm's distance. Chapel Hill has a big enough heart to open its arms to those who are lost and alienated and help return them to life. I encourage us all to support the location of the new men's shelter as proposed so that we can help to return our neighbor into our lives

Henry Lister lives in Chapel Hill.
(Published 12/09/2009 - Chapel Hill News)

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Welcome to March on Poverty

The Inter-Faith Council (IFC) believes that now is the time to stop poverty in its tracks. Many in our community are struggling to hang on; and many need the inspiration of our community leaders to do something about poverty's influence and prominence. We need everyone who cares about reducing poverty's hold over increasing numbers of Carrboro and Chapel Hill households and unsheltered persons. Our new March On Poverty blog summons you to our call and the original call of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the countless among us who have followed in his footsteps. You ask, "how long will this take?" Dr. King said "Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." Poverty is the primary cause of homelessness and hunger, two community challenges IFC volunteers and staff cross swords with daily. A lack of an adequate response by state, federal and local governments enable and procrastinate these conditions. We seek to create a just community, one that is committed to overcoming social problems by a greater commitment to the common good. We hope our blog will bring you more in touch with these issues. We hope you will come to know the facts about IFC future plans, new program models and new facilities commonly called Community House and FoodFirst. We hope you will join us.

Stay tuned! Stay in touch! March On!

Chris Moran, Executive Director

View the Community House Mission & Vision

View the FoodFirst Mission & Vision