Friday, June 4, 2010

Living Creatively on Food Stamps

This article just made its way to my inbox, and Mr. Murrieta’s musings on food stamps and eating on a budget are well worth the read.

As I read this article, I couldn’t help but think about how hard times can fall on anyone (even those in jobs we would normally think of as luxurious or white collar). With this economy, no job is completely secure, so we need to have that many more safeguards in place for people who experience unexpected job loss and pay reductions.

I was impressed with Mr. Murrieta’s willingness to make the best of his situation and find inventive ways to use the food he was given. One excerpt in particular caused me to snort loudly in the middle of the office when I read it: “Even that mysterious can from the food bank generically stamped ‘Pork with Juices’ promised culinary communion.” I must have bagged half a dozen of those same mysteriously promising cans just yesterday! The “Pork with Juices” (along with several other products) is something which we at the IFC are able to give out to many of our clients through The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), which provides a portion of our inventory in the food pantry. TEFAP is a useful resource, but donations from churches and other organizations still provide the bulk of the food distributed by the IFC.

It’s wonderful to read a story about someone who has found ways to survive on food stamps alone (especially someone who now volunteers at a food bank to give back as Mr. Murrieta does!), but there are many more people out there in difficult circumstances who need the assistance of programs like ours. Keep that food coming. Your community needs every can.

Thanks, Peace, and Blessings,
Tom Lewis
IFC Summer Liaison Coordinator

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Welcome to March on Poverty

The Inter-Faith Council (IFC) believes that now is the time to stop poverty in its tracks. Many in our community are struggling to hang on; and many need the inspiration of our community leaders to do something about poverty's influence and prominence. We need everyone who cares about reducing poverty's hold over increasing numbers of Carrboro and Chapel Hill households and unsheltered persons. Our new March On Poverty blog summons you to our call and the original call of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the countless among us who have followed in his footsteps. You ask, "how long will this take?" Dr. King said "Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." Poverty is the primary cause of homelessness and hunger, two community challenges IFC volunteers and staff cross swords with daily. A lack of an adequate response by state, federal and local governments enable and procrastinate these conditions. We seek to create a just community, one that is committed to overcoming social problems by a greater commitment to the common good. We hope our blog will bring you more in touch with these issues. We hope you will come to know the facts about IFC future plans, new program models and new facilities commonly called Community House and FoodFirst. We hope you will join us.

Stay tuned! Stay in touch! March On!

Chris Moran, Executive Director

View the Community House Mission & Vision

View the FoodFirst Mission & Vision